Welcome to
Civil Engineering Department

About Department

The Department of Civil Engineering was established in the year 2016 and offers a B.Tech programme in Civil Engineering with an annual intake of 45 students. The Department has a blend of highly qualified and experienced faculty members. It envisages providing students with a good understanding of Civil Engineering solutions in a global, societal and environmental context, consistent with the principles of sustainable development. Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, and Engineering Geology are among the specializations offered by the Department. The program …








For any query related to B.Tech Programme in Civil Engineering, please send us a mail to do_civil@mtu.ac.in

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The Graduates will-

  • Have successful career in the diversified sectors of the engineering Industry and/ or higher studies by acquiring knowledge in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals.
  • Analyse and design Civil Engineering systems with social awareness and responsibility.
  • Exhibit professionalism, ethical approach, communication skills, team work in their profession and adapt to modern trends by engaging in lifelong learning.

Program Outcomes (POs)

On successful completion of the program, Graduates will be able to

  1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to Civil Engineering problems.
  2. Identify, formulate, research literature and solve complex Civil Engineering problems.
  3. Design various structures or particular system that meets desired specifications and requirements.
  4. Design and conduct experiments, interpret and analyse data, synthesize the information to provide conclusion.
  5. Select and use appropriate engineering techniques and software tools to analyse Civil Engineering problems with understanding of limitations.
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