The Department of Civil Engineering was established in the year 2016 and offers a B.Tech programme in Civil Engineering with an annual intake of 45 students. The Department has a blend of highly qualified and experienced faculty members. It envisages providing students with a good understanding of Civil Engineering solutions in a global, societal and environmental context, consistent with the principles of sustainable development. Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, and Engineering Geology are among the specializations offered by the Department. The program will make the students capable of identifying, formulating and solving civil engineering problems that meet specified performance, cost, time, safety and other quality needs and objectives with professional and ethical responsibility. The Department has fully equipped Labs with state-of-the-art equipment. For better awareness and interest of a student, continuous interaction with reputed companies is organized at frequent intervals in the form of special lectures/ workshops/ site visits or exchange of technical knowledge etc. The program emphasizes industry and research-based projects, enhancing their skills to become successful professionals for holistic development. The Department is actively involved in consultancy service.
Last Updated on April 1, 2024 by Contact