The Computer Labs are equipped with state-of-the-art hardware configurations and software. Most of the systems have Intel i5 and i7 processors with in-built Windows OS. Software for scientific computing like MATLAB, Statistica, Python ML Libraries are also available for high end computing.

The Programming Laboratory conducts lab for the following courses:

  • C Programming.
  • C++ Programming.
  • Java Programming.
  • Python Programming.
  • R Programming.
  • Web Programming.
  • Data Structures Programming
Programming Laboratory
Programming Laboratory

The AISS Laboratory conducts lab for the following courses:

  • Data Science & Analytics
  • Compiler Design
  • Operating System
  • Microprocessor and Microcontroller
  • Software Engineering
  • Database Management Systems
Artificial Intelligence and System Software Laboratory
Artificial Intelligence and System Software Laboratory

The RIN Laboratory conducts lab for the following courses:

  • Robotics
  • Internet of Things
  • Networking
  • Final Year Projects
Robotics, IoT and Networking Laboratory