The Department of Computer Science & Engineering was established in the year 2016. The Department currently offers an Undergraduate Engineering Degree Programme (Bachelor of Technology, B.Tech, in Computer Science & Engineering) with an annual intake of 45 seats. Apart from the core courses, the Department offers current trending specializations such as Information Security/Cryptography, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Speech Processing, Machine Learning, etc.
The department envisions to achieve the following aims and objectives:
1. To create graduates with sufficient capabilities in Computer Science & Engineering who can become researchers, entrepreneurs, and software professionals to satisfy the needs of the core industry, research, academia and society at large.
2. To build the ability to continuously learn the latest trends in Computer Science & Engineering and engage in a lifelong learning process.
3. To build engineers aware of professional ethics of the software industry, and equipped with basic soft skills essential for working in community and professional teams.
Last Updated on February 16, 2024 by Contact