The Technical Quiz Competition was successfully organized on 27th May 2022 at 3 pm in the Department of Electronics & Communication. This Competition was intended in helping the students to learn more about the electronics and communication engineering as the questions were asked related to semiconductor devices, digital electronics, signal & systems and communication. It is also one of the good ways to test as well as to improve one’s knowledge in the mentioned domain. Total 30 students have participated in the competition and after examining by the committee of the Technical Quiz Competition, the winners are as follows:
Rank | Name | Registration No. | Semester/Dept. |
1st | Christopher Gangmei | 2001EE0204 | 4th /ECE |
2nd | Denin Chungkham | 20180100275 | 8th /ECE |
3rd | Rohit Hidam | 1901EC0105 | 6th /ECE |

Last Updated on April 4, 2024 by Web Admin