[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Springer Nature Textbook freely accessible for Faculty, Research Scholars and Students.” style=”flat” color=”turquoise”]
The subject-wise breakup for the area in which 409 textbooks are made freely available under Free Textbook Initiatives by Springer Nature during Covid-19 Lockdown are listed as follows:
Sl. No. | Subscription | URL |
1 | University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO) | https://www.universitypressscholarship.com |
2 | elib4u | https://digital.elib4u.com/ |
3 | National Digital Library of India | https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ |
4 | World eBook Library | http://community.worldlibrary.in/ |
Sl. No. | Book Title | Author | Subject | OpenURL |
1 | Social Anxiety and Social Phobia in Youth | Christopher Kearney | Behavioral Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-22592-0 |
2 | Clinical Neuroanatomy | John Mendoza, Anne Foundas | Behavioral Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-36601-2 |
3 | Acquired Brain Injury | Jean Elbaum, Deborah Benson | Behavioral Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-37575-5 |
4 | Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality | James M. Nelson | Behavioral Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-87573-6 |
5 | Child Neuropsychology | Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, Phyllis Anne Teeter Ellison | Behavioral Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-88963-4 |
6 | Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and Behavior | Paul J. Frick, Christopher T. Barry, Randy W. Kamphaus | Behavioral Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4419-0641-0 |
7 | A Clinical Guide to the Treatment of the Human Stress Response | George S. Everly, Jr., Jeffrey M. Lating | Behavioral Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-5538-7 |
8 | The Psychology of Social Status | Joey T. Cheng, Jessica L. Tracy, Cameron Anderson | Behavioral Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4939-0867-7 |
9 | Psychoeducational Assessment and Report Writing | Stefan C. Dombrowski | Behavioral Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4939-1911-6 |
10 | Evidence-Based Interventions for Children with Challenging Behavior | Kathleen Hague Armstrong, Julia A. Ogg, Ashley N. Sundman-Wheat, Audra St. John Walsh | Behavioral Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-7807-2 |
11 | MATLAB for Psychologists | Mauro Borgo, Alessandro Soranzo, Massimo Grassi | Behavioral Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-2197-9 |
12 | International Perspectives on Psychotherapy | Stefan G. Hofmann | Behavioral Science and Psychology | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-56194-3 |
13 | Applied Behavior Analysis | Kimberly Maich, Darren Levine, Carmen Hall | Behavioral Science and Psychology | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-44794-0 |
14 | Psychology of Perception | Simon Grondin | Behavioral Science and Psychology | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-31791-5 |
15 | Handbook of Consumer Finance Research | Jing Jian Xiao | Behavioral Science and Psychology | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-28887-1 |
16 | Clinical Methods in Medical Family Therapy | Tai Mendenhall, Angela Lamson, Jennifer Hodgson, Macaran Baird | Behavioral Science and Psychology | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-68834-3 |
17 | Motivation and Action | Jutta Heckhausen, Heinz Heckhausen | Behavioral Science and Psychology | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-65094-4 |
18 | Perceptual Organization | Stephen Handel | Behavioral Science and Psychology | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-96337-2 |
19 | Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Social Work | James W. Drisko, Melissa D. Grady | Behavioral Science and Psychology | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-030-15224-6 |
20 | Foundations of Behavioral Health | Bruce Lubotsky Levin, Ardis Hanson | Behavioral Science and Psychology | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-030-18435-3 |
21 | Social Psychology in Action | Kai Sassenberg, Michael L.W. Vliek | Behavioral Science and Psychology | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-030-13788-5 |
22 | Developmental Neurobiology | Mahendra S. Rao, Marcus Jacobson | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-28117-9 |
23 | Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy | James Pawley | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-45524-2 |
24 | Fundamentals of Biomechanics | Duane Knudson | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-49312-1 |
25 | Plant Physiological Ecology | Hans Lambers, F Stuart Chapin III, Thijs L. Pons | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-78341-3 |
26 | The Joy of Science | Richard A. Lockshin | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4020-6099-1 |
27 | Metabolism of Human Diseases | Eckhard Lammert, Martin Zeeb | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-7091-0715-7 |
28 | Integrative Human Biochemistry | Andrea T. da Poian, Miguel A. R. B. Castanho | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4939-3058-6 |
29 | Integrated Neuroscience | Elliott M. Marcus, Stanley Jacobson | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4615-1077-2 |
30 | Fundamentals of Biomechanics | Nihat Özkaya, Dawn Leger, David Goldsheyder, Margareta Nordin | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-44738-4 |
31 | Human Chromosomes | Orlando J. Miller, Eeva Therman | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4613-0139-4 |
32 | Phylogenomics | Christoph Bleidorn | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-54064-1 |
33 | Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology | F Stuart Chapin III, Pamela A. Matson, Peter Vitousek | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4419-9504-9 |
34 | Learning Landscape Ecology | Sarah E. Gergel, Monica G. Turner | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4939-6374-4 |
35 | Epidemiological Research: Terms and Concepts | O. S. Miettinen | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-94-007-1171-6 |
36 | Statistical Analysis of Clinical Data on a Pocket Calculator | Ton J. Cleophas, Aeilko H. Zwinderman | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-94-007-1211-9 |
37 | Clinical Data Analysis on a Pocket Calculator | Ton J. Cleophas, Aeilko H. Zwinderman | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-27104-0 |
38 | Essentials of Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders | Donna L. Gruol, Noriyuki Koibuchi, Mario Manto, Marco Molinari, Jeremy D. Schmahmann, Ying Shen | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-24551-5 |
39 | Handbook of Cardiac Anatomy, Physiology, and Devices | Paul A. Iaizzo | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-19464-6 |
40 | The Gastrointestinal System | Po Sing Leung | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-94-017-8771-0 |
41 | SPSS for Starters and 2nd Levelers | Ton J. Cleophas, Aeilko H. Zwinderman | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-20600-4 |
42 | Machine Learning in Medicine – a Complete Overview | Ton J. Cleophas, Aeilko H. Zwinderman | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-15195-3 |
43 | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | Daan J. A. Crommelin, Robert D. Sindelar, Bernd Meibohm | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-6486-0 |
44 | An Introduction to Biomechanics | Jay D. Humphrey, Sherry L. O’Rourke | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4939-2623-7 |
45 | Bioinformatics for Evolutionary Biologists | Bernhard Haubold, Angelika Börsch-Haubold | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-67395-0 |
46 | Lessons on Synthetic Bioarchitectures | Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser-Sinner, Cherng-Wen Darren Tan | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-73123-0 |
47 | Applied Bioinformatics | Paul M. Selzer, Richard J. Marhöfer, Oliver Koch | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-68301-0 |
48 | ENZYMES: Catalysis, Kinetics and Mechanisms | N.S. Punekar | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-981-13-0785-0 |
49 | Plant Physiology, Development and Metabolism | Satish C Bhatla, Manju A. Lal | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-981-13-2023-1 |
50 | Plant Anatomy | Richard Crang, Sheila Lyons-Sobaski, Robert Wise | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-77315-5 |
51 | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | Daan J. A. Crommelin, Robert D. Sindelar, Bernd Meibohm | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-030-00710-2 |
52 | Food Fraud Prevention | John W. Spink | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4939-9621-6 |
53 | Plant Ecology | Ernst-Detlef Schulze, Erwin Beck, Nina Buchmann, Stephan Clemens, Klaus Müller-Hohenstein, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen | Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-662-56233-8 |
54 | Database Marketing | Robert C. Blattberg, Byung-Do Kim, Scott A. Neslin | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-72579-6 |
55 | Microeconomics | Peter Dorman | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-37434-0 |
56 | Design Research in Information Systems | Alan Hevner, Samir Chatterjee | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4419-5653-8 |
57 | Strategic International Management | Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Joachim Zentes | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-8349-6331-4 |
58 | International Trade Theory and Policy | Giancarlo Gandolfo | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-37314-5 |
59 | Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning | Hartmut Stadtler, Christoph Kilger, Herbert Meyr | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-55309-7 |
60 | Strategic International Management | Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Joachim Zentes | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-658-07884-3 |
61 | Search Methodologies | Edmund K. Burke, Graham Kendall | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-6940-7 |
62 | Linear Programming | Robert J Vanderbei | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-7630-6 |
63 | Corporate Social Responsibility | John O. Okpara, Samuel O. Idowu | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-40975-2 |
64 | Electronic Commerce | Efraim Turban, David King, Jae Kyu Lee, Ting-Peng Liang, Deborrah C. Turban | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-10091-3 |
65 | Econometrics | Badi H. Baltagi | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-20059-5 |
66 | Logistics | Harald Gleissner, J. Christian Femerling | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-01769-3 |
67 | New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis | Helmut Lütkepohl | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-540-27752-1 |
68 | Game Theory | Hans Peters | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-662-46950-7 |
69 | Physical Asset Management | Nicholas Anthony John Hastings | Business and Economics | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-14777-2 |
70 | Linear and Nonlinear Programming | David G. Luenberger, Yinyu Ye | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-18842-3 |
71 | Enterprise Risk Management Models | David L. Olson, Desheng Dash Wu | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-662-53785-5 |
72 | Introduction to Electronic Commerce and Social Commerce | Efraim Turban, Judy Whiteside, David King, Jon Outland | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-50091-1 |
73 | Business Process Management Cases | Jan vom Brocke, Jan Mendling | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-58307-5 |
74 | Social Media Management | Amy Van Looy | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-21990-5 |
75 | Multinational Management | Rien Segers | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-23012-2 |
76 | Leadership Today | Joan Marques, Satinder Dhiman | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-31036-7 |
77 | Sustainable Supply Chains | Yann Bouchery, Charles J. Corbett, Jan C. Fransoo, Tarkan Tan | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-29791-0 |
78 | Strategic Retail Management | Joachim Zentes, Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-658-10183-1 |
79 | Travel Marketing, Tourism Economics and the Airline Product | Mark Anthony Camilleri | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-49849-2 |
80 | Electronic Commerce 2018 | Efraim Turban, Jon Outland, David King, Jae Kyu Lee, Ting-Peng Liang, Deborrah C. Turban | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-58715-8 |
81 | Market Research | Erik Mooi, Marko Sarstedt, Irma Mooi-Reci | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-981-10-5218-7 |
82 | Managing Sustainable Business | Gilbert G. Lenssen, N. Craig Smith | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-94-024-1144-7 |
83 | Knowledge Management | Klaus North, Gita Kumta | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-59978-6 |
84 | Customer Relationship Management | V. Kumar, Werner Reinartz | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-662-55381-7 |
85 | Strategic Human Resource Management and Employment Relations | Ashish Malik | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-981-13-0399-9 |
86 | Entertainment Science | Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Mark B. Houston | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-89292-4 |
87 | Analytical Corporate Finance | Angelo Corelli | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-95762-3 |
88 | A Concise Guide to Market Research | Marko Sarstedt, Erik Mooi | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-662-56707-4 |
89 | Global Supply Chain and Operations Management | Dmitry Ivanov, Alexander Tsipoulanidis, Jörn Schönberger | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-94313-8 |
90 | International Business Management | Kamal Fatehi, Jeongho Choi | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-96622-9 |
91 | Excel Data Analysis | Hector Guerrero | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-030-01279-3 |
92 | Digital Business Models | Bernd W. Wirtz | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-030-13005-3 |
93 | Social Marketing in Action | Debra Z. Basil, Gonzalo Diaz-Meneses, Michael D. Basil | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-030-13020-6 |
94 | Essentials of Business Analytics | Bhimasankaram Pochiraju, Sridhar Seshadri | Business and Management | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-68837-4 |
95 | Ceramic Materials | C. Barry Carter, M. Grant Norton | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-46271-4 |
96 | Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy | Joseph R. Lakowicz | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-46312-4 |
97 | Composite Materials | Krishan K. Chawla | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-74365-3 |
98 | Transmission Electron Microscopy | David B. Williams, C. Barry Carter | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-76501-3 |
99 | Sensory Evaluation of Food | Harry T. Lawless, Hildegarde Heymann | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4419-6488-5 |
100 | Engineering Flow and Heat Exchange | Octave Levenspiel | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4899-7454-9 |
101 | Chemical Thermodynamics | Ernö Keszei | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-19864-9 |
102 | Electrochemistry | Christine Lefrou, Pierre Fabry, Jean-Claude Poignet | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-30250-3 |
103 | Acid-Base Diagrams | Heike Kahlert, Fritz Scholz | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-37902-4 |
104 | Brewing Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach | Michael Mosher, Kenneth Trantham | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-46394-0 |
105 | Principles of Polymer Chemistry | A. Ravve | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-2212-9 |
106 | Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices | Sulabha K. Kulkarni | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-09171-6 |
107 | Structure Determination by X-ray Crystallography | Mark Ladd, Rex Palmer | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-3954-7 |
108 | Ceramic Materials | C. Barry Carter, M. Grant Norton | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-3523-5 |
109 | Foundations of Analytical Chemistry | Miguel Valcárcel Cases, Ángela I. López-Lorente, Ma Ángeles López-Jiménez | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-62872-1 |
110 | Mass Spectrometry | Jürgen H Gross | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-54398-7 |
111 | Statistical Mechanics for Engineers | Isamu Kusaka | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-15018-5 |
112 | Magnetic Interactions in Molecules and Solids | Coen de Graaf, Ria Broer | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-22951-5 |
113 | Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice | Dietrich Braun, Harald Cherdron, Matthias Rehahn, Helmut Ritter, Brigitte Voit | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-28980-4 |
114 | Food Analysis Laboratory Manual | S. Suzanne Nielsen | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-44127-6 |
115 | Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and its Applications | Andrzej Lasia | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-8933-7 |
116 | Group Theory Applied to Chemistry | Arnout Jozef Ceulemans | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-94-007-6863-5 |
117 | Food Chemistry | H.-D. Belitz, Werner Grosch, Peter Schieberle | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-540-69934-7 |
118 | Exam Survival Guide: Physical Chemistry | Jochen Vogt | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-49810-2 |
119 | Food Analysis | S. Suzanne Nielsen | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-45776-5 |
120 | Physical Chemistry from a Different Angle | Georg Job, Regina Rüffler | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-15666-8 |
121 | Essentials of Food Science | Vickie A. Vaclavik, Elizabeth W. Christian | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-9138-5 |
122 | Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering | Ricardo Simpson, Sudhir K. Sastry | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-9126-2 |
123 | Applied Chemistry | Oleg Roussak, H. D. Gesser | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4614-4262-2 |
124 | Advanced Organic Chemistry | Francis A. Carey, Richard J. Sundberg | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-44899-2 |
125 | Advanced Organic Chemistry | Francis A. Carey, Richard J. Sundberg | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-0-387-71481-3 |
126 | Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis | Joseph I. Goldstein, Dale E. Newbury, Joseph R. Michael, Nicholas W.M. Ritchie, John Henry J. Scott, David C. Joy | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4939-6676-9 |
127 | Polymer Chemistry | Sebastian Koltzenburg, Michael Maskos, Oskar Nuyken | Chemistry and Materials Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-662-49279-6 |
128 | Introduction to Evolutionary Computing | A.E. Eiben, J.E. Smith | Computer Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-662-44874-8 |
129 | Data Structures and Algorithms with Python | Kent D. Lee, Steve Hubbard | Computer Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-13072-9 |
130 | LaTeX in 24 Hours | Dilip Datta | Computer Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-47831-9 |
131 | Automata and Computability | Dexter C. Kozen | Computer Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4612-1844-9 |
132 | The Algorithm Design Manual | Steven S Skiena | Computer Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-84800-070-4 |
133 | Principles of Data Mining | Max Bramer | Computer Science | http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-1-4471-7307-6 |
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