A workshop on “Productivity Enhancement Program” was organised by Manipur Technical University under the sponsorship of TEQIP-III from 19th to 24th Dec. 2019 at the Government Polytechnic Hall, Takyelpat.
Highlight of the workshop
Date: 19th – 24th Dec. 2019
Time: 11:00 AM-2PM
Venue: Government Polytechnic Hall, Takyelpat.
Mode of the event: Presentation and Practical.
Resource Persons:
- Irom Soni, Art of Living Faculty.
- Dixon Laishram, Art of Living Faculty.
- Roshnikumar .Art of Living Faculty.
- Dr. RK Noni Devi, Art of Living Faculty.
Dr. Huidrom Rully, Assistant Controller of Examination, MTU, Imphal.
Administrative staff of MTU, Imphal.
About the event:
The Art of Living “Productivity Enhancement Program” of Vyakti Vikas Kendra is a 6 days program scheduled from 19th -24th Dec. 2019 (with one Sunday included). It was conducted under the sponsorship of TEQIP-III for the Administrative staff of the University. The program focused on the enhancement of the efficiency and productivity of the staff by exercising physical and mental practices. It aimed at instilling a spirit of team-building and holistic development of the participants in personal and professional life. The program was participated by 50 staff.
- Increasing efficiency, productivity and an optimistic attitude.
- Stress management.
- Positive and optimistic attitude.
- Clarity of mind for better decision making.
- Enhance individual effectiveness by inculcating dynamism and leadership qualities.
- Develop commitment towards work.
- Instil a sense of responsibility towards the institution.
Coordinator’s statement:
The workshop “Productivity Enhancement Program” was successfully organised and conducted from 19th Dec -24th Dec 2019. The Resource persons from Youth Programs Art of Living International Centre, Bangalore motivated the participants with the inclusion of practical demonstration. The workshop was actively participated with great enthusiasm and the participants have gained an in-depth knowledge of living positively.

Participants’ Feedback:
Overall feedback of the participants reflected that the workshop achieved its objectives and met their expectations.
Future Action:
Another “Productivity Enhancement Program” for teaching faculty will be conducted soon under the sponsorship of TEQIP-III.
Program Outcome:
The program was concluded successfully by enhancing efficiency, productivity and motivation of all participants. It will help in instilling a sense of belongingness and responsibility towards the institution, students and colleagues. It also enlightens the participants on effective handling of stress, improving efficiency and productivity through sustained high energy levels, attitudinal shift, relaxation and clarity of decision.
Last Updated on April 5, 2024 by Web Admin