One Week Workshop on “Curriculum Reforms” was organised by Manipur Technical University under the sponsorship of TEQIP-III from 1st April to 5th April 2019 at the conference hall of the university.
About the Workshop
The workshop reviewed and analysed the existing practices in the design, implementation and evaluation of curriculum, particularly in the development of competency-based curriculum, in the field of technical education and facilitating the exchange of experiences among the participants. The workshop was sponsored by the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme – III, under the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India. The workshop was conducted as a Twinning Activity with our mentor institute, College of Engineering Pune.
Resource Persons
- Prof.(Dr) Gautam Sutradhar, Director, NIT Manipur
- Prof.(Dr) Khumanthem Manglem Singh, Professor, CSE Dept., NIT Manipur
- Prof.(Dr) S.D. Agashe, Professor, ICE Dept., COEP, Pune
- Prof.(Dr) Urmila Kar, Professor and Head, Education & Management Dept, NITTTR, Kolkata
- Prof.(Dr) Amarendra Kumar Das, Director, IIIT, Senapati, Manipur
Pinky Khundrakpam, Assistant Prof., ECE Dept. and Academic Nodal Officer, TEQIP-III, Manipur Technical University, Takyelpat
Future Action
The knowledge gained will be applied in a future review of curriculums and Virtual Lab in association with the College of Engineering, Pune will be established.
Outcome-based education model was thoroughly explained and discussed. The framing of mission, vision, program educational outcomes and course outcomes were discussed. The virtual laboratory of the College of Engineering Pune was demonstrated and invitation of becoming nodal institute was extended.

Last Updated on April 4, 2024 by Web Admin