Oinam Manganleiba Meetei
Oinam Manganleiba Meetei
Assistant Professor
Bachelor’s Degree: B Tech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Master’s Degree: M Tech (Power Systems and Power Electronics )
Ph.D.: Pursuing
Areas of Specialization:
Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Alternative Energy, Embedded System, Smart Grid
- Research Projects
- Research Publications
- Books/ Books chapter
- Patents
- Consultancy
- Administrative Assignments
- Oinam Manganleiba Meetei, “Automatic Load Shedding Time Management And Auto Tripping for Faults,” Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-5, 2016, ISSN: 2454-1362.
- Oinam Manganleiba Meetei, Oinam Jatishwor Meetei, “Super capacitor based energy saving LED lighting system,” ADBU-Journal of Engineering Technology Volume 6, month Dec-Jan, year 2016-2017, ISSN:2348-7305.
- Oinam Manganleiba Meetei, “Advance control methods of induction motor: A review, “ADBU Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Feb 2017, 34-39.
- Oinam Manganleiba Meetei, Nayanjyoti Deka & Oinam Jatishwor Meitei, “Contactless Rotor RPM Measurement using Raspberry Pi and Laser sensor,” ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology,Vol-7, Issue-2, 2018, ISSN: 2348-7305.
- Oinam Manganleiba Meetei, “A Comparative Study of PID, 1-SMC & 2-SMC Performances for Vector Control of Single Phase Induction motor,” International Journal for Research in Engineering Application and Management(IJREAM), 2019, Jan 2019, Vol-04, Issue-10, ISSN 2454-9150.
- Former member of Examination Sub Committee of MTU from 4th February, 2020 to 25th June 2020.
- Member of Student Academic Support Committee of MTU from 17th January,2019 to till date.