Welcome to the Department of Management
About Department
The Department of Management, established in the year 2016, started offering the Master in Business Administration (MBA) programme from the year 2021. The total number of students intake per semester is 45. It is a 2-year full degree programme offering different types of specialization in Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Rural & Agribusiness and Production & Operation. The MBA Programme is designed with a well-balanced theory-practical orientation. The course is blended with various other pedagogical tools like case studies, presentations, group discussions, seminars, live projects, field visits etc. Additionally, in order to enable the students to acumen the real-life management scenario, a student is also required to undertake a compulsory 4 weeks’ Summer Training in his/her area of specialization..
Departmental Announcement
- Time Table For MBA 2nd Semester & 4th Semester AY 2024-25
March 25, 2025
- Time Table For MBA 1st Semester & 3rd Semester AY 2024-25
September 18, 2024
- Time Table for MBA 2nd and 4th Semester AY 2023-2024
May 23, 2024
For any query related to MBA Programme, please send us a mail to
Program Education Objectives (PEOs)
- The program aims at transforming young aspiring individuals into competent managers who are capable of working in any competitive environment.
- The two-year full-time program will enable the students in becoming successful leaders with conceptual clarity and interpersonal skills as well as important decision makers with valuable contributions for the welfare of the society.
- To make the students aware about the knowledge and skills, reasoning abilities including all the management perspectives for providing a good leader in any type of organization.
- To make the students have a strong foundation in fundamentals of business and the environment where they are going to function and also developing a strong analytical tool which will help in making a right decision.
- To make the students confidence enough to effectively communicate for the growth of the business.
Program Outcomes (POs)
- Ability to become a value-based leader who can analyze and apply the knowledge of principles of management in various domains.
- Ability to determine business problems using research knowledge to arrive in a decision which is a research driven.
- Ability to communicate successfully in technology driven environment for the growth of the business and keeping in consideration for the benefit of the society.
- Ability to develop entrepreneurial skills among the young generation and making them a job provider.
Program Specific Outcome (PSO)
- Transforming people into professionals with high knowledge of human values and social consciousness