Oinam Manganleiba Meetei 

Oinam Manganleiba Meetei 
Assistant Professor

Bachelor’s Degree: B Tech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Master’s Degree: M Tech (Power Systems and Power Electronics )
Ph.D.: Pursuing

Areas of Specialization:
Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Alternative Energy, Embedded System, Smart Grid

  1. Oinam Manganleiba Meetei, “Automatic Load Shedding Time Management And Auto Tripping for Faults,” Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-5, 2016, ISSN: 2454-1362.
  2. Oinam Manganleiba Meetei, Oinam Jatishwor Meetei, “Super capacitor based energy saving LED lighting system,” ADBU-Journal of Engineering Technology Volume 6, month Dec-Jan, year 2016-2017, ISSN:2348-7305.
  3. Oinam Manganleiba Meetei, “Advance control methods of induction motor: A review, “ADBU Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Feb 2017, 34-39.
  4. Oinam Manganleiba Meetei, Nayanjyoti Deka & Oinam Jatishwor Meitei, “Contactless Rotor RPM Measurement using Raspberry Pi and Laser sensor,” ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology,Vol-7, Issue-2, 2018, ISSN: 2348-7305.
  5. Oinam Manganleiba Meetei, “A Comparative Study of PID, 1-SMC & 2-SMC Performances for Vector Control of Single Phase Induction motor,” International Journal for Research in Engineering Application and Management(IJREAM), 2019, Jan 2019, Vol-04, Issue-10, ISSN 2454-9150.
  1. Former member of Examination Sub Committee of MTU from 4th February, 2020 to 25th June 2020.
  2. Member of Student Academic Support Committee of MTU from 17th January,2019 to till date.