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Extempore on Corruption free India for a developed Nation

THEME: Corruption free India for a developed Nation”


  • Extempore Speech Competition was observed by MBA Department in relation to Vigilance Awareness Week.
  • Every student of MBA programme participated on various topics such as “Vigilant India, Prosperous India”, “ Is corruption always bad”, “ Participative Vigilance”,” Corruption in minds “, “Favoritism and Nepotism taking important part of corruption”, “ Role of IT in social change or good governance” etc
  • 1st prize (Cash reward of Rs 2000): Dr. Thiyam Vrubanata , 3rd semester MBA
  • 2nd prize ( Cash reward of Rs 1500): Eric Langpoklakpam, 1st semester MBA
  • 3rd prize (Cash reward of Rs 1000 each): Ningthoujam Nillagopan Singh & Rajkumar Robin Singh, 1st semester MBA

Last Updated on April 5, 2024 by Web Admin