The university has a separate department of humanities and social science which was established in 2016 to equip the students with the sound concepts of humanities and social science. The department aims to provide a firm grounding in human values, communication skills and economics to produce well rounded and conscientious citizens besides covering the entire spectrum of education that gives a unique all-round perspective of holistic education process and preparing competent professionals.

The department also strives to provide graduates with valuable, employment enhancing skills such as team work, critical thinking, analysis and problem solving skills, strong writing and speaking skills, primary importance to particular topics such as microeconomics, mathematical economics, international economics, and regional economics, design thinking, etc., that can be used in their professional lives, and important personal insights into the world that can broaden their horizons and concepts of the world, allowing them to see the ‘big picture’.

The specializations offered by the department includes: Professional Communication, English Language Proficiency, Business Communication, Communication and Management Skill Development, Innovation and Creativity, Engineering Economics, Entrepreneurship Development, Managerial Economics, Indian Banking and Indian Economy, Design Thinking, etc.

The department also emphasizes on: Spoken English, Soft Skills, Personality Development, Interview Skills, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Indian Banking and Indian economy, Innovation and Creativity, etc.

Last Updated on February 17, 2024 by Contact